november 8, 2021

Glasgow Scotland UN COP26
Knowledge Holders session
Tired today, so going to call it early from here and venture back to the house to rest.
There is a s just so much injustice in the world and so many “get over its”, it’s just hard to hear
all the disparities in the world to Indigenous peoples. Yet, these beautiful people get up every day and
fight for the health of Mother Earth. There are so many people that are not informed or/nor care what’s happening.

A dear friend that journeyed on would say “there is NO PLANet B, what are some of the solutions?”
I can hear his voice of debate, question and reason on many of these topics.
Well, it’s only 4:32 pm and I could go to sleep.
Until, tomorrow my dear friends.
Love love love the hat … Casey Camp Uncompromising Warrior Woman of Conviction 🙌🏽♥️💦
How blessed are we to have our Strong Woman Protecting Mother Earth and All her Children
at United Nations as a Voice for the People.
We are Honored and Humbled to bear Witness. Thank you for Including us.

december 17, 2020

Jesuits to return 525 acres of South Dakota land to Rosebud Sioux Tribe

The Jesuits are returning more than 500 acres in South Dakota to the Rosebud Sioux. The formal return of the property is expected to be complete sometime in May.
here is the link and the report klick

november 10, 2020

In Honor of Indigenous Women ~ NDN Collective


Indigenous matriarchs stand together in dark times

By Emilee Gilpin in Features, Culture | May 7th 2019
„Indigenous women elders who have acquired knowledge over their lives speaking their languages and defending their homelands, are now trying to protect and pass teachings on to younger generations,“ said @ProgramSpirit’s Gail Small.

link for the report

Gwaaganad (Diane Brown) washes a 42-foot monumental pole commissioned by a unique cooperative management board made up of equal members of the Haida Nation and the Government of Canada at the Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole raising in 2013. Photo by Jeffrey Gibbs.
Annual Report Online.pdf

Santee Lewis recently appointed to run the

Navajo Nation Washington Office

Santee Lewis was in a small group of three, climbing stairs and working her way through an
off-limits corridor in the U.S. Capitol. Then she saw the view from the dome itself.
Indian Country News, March 7, 2019
link for the report

Ponca Nation gonna be the first nation jan. 2018

Water Ceremony Bonn, nov 16, 2017

link fuer den Bericht

Indigenous Woman News sept 28, 2017

Webseite, Infos und Aktivitaeten link

What about the rights of Mother Earth???

Sellnews Casey Camp-Horinek Webseite – link

Casey Camp Horinek Webseite Movement Rights – link
Casey Camp Horinek Webseite A worldwide Movement – link

Figth against Black Snake in Louisiana

Zeitungsbericht link – august 30,2017

Washington D.C. march 8, 2017
sign the Treaty for defend the Mother Earth

signed the treaty with the native elders
weltfrauentag march 8, 2017 in Washington DC